Alison and Sid portraying Tatiyana and Alfie respectivley. They are sat at a resturaunt table. Alison is wearing a black wig and black dress whilst Sid is wearing a gangster outfit featuring a black shirt and white tie.
Sue and Paul portraying Rachael and Nick Stanford. Sue is wearing a dress whilst Paul is wearing a green sports top,tracksuit bottoms and a baseball cap.
Michael and Alison portraying Mr Brown and Tatiyana respectivley. Michael is wearing a flatcap which is stuffed with hay, a mucky white shirt and fingerless gloves.
Alex is sat at a resturant table. She is wearing a black dress which is pattened with dots.
Anthony is in the image foreground portraying Chef Anton in a chef outfit. Others can be seen in the background sat at resturaunt tables.
Engage2Stage performing the Ballad of Barry and Freda at Bury Art Museum.
Alex is sat on Anthonys lap. Anthony looks bewildered and is wearing a flatcap. They are both wearing Engage2Stage tshirts.
Sue, Mags and Paul performing the Ballad of Barry and Freda. Mags is wearing a mop hat.
Engage2Stage on stage at the Met theatre performing the Ballad of Barry and Freda at As Seen At The Met event.