Sid during dress rehearsal in gangster outfit featuring white silk tie and black shirt. He is wearing dark tinted glasses and is smiling.
Anthony during dress rehearsal folding arms wearing chef outfit with a serious look on his face.
Alex during dress rehearsal sat at a table. She is wearing black dress and holding silver glittery purse.
Anthony during dress rehearsal sat at a table. He is waring a three piece grey suit and a black and silver tie.
Profile photo of Tracey during dress rehearsal. She is waring glasses and a white bouse and black skirt.
Engage2Stage group in black box studio sat in a circle during rehearsal.
Alex smiling during rehearsals. The light is highlighting her face
Group participating in workshop while a guide dog sits in the foreground of the image.
Tracey in black box studio with hands on her hips. She is smiling.
Group in black box studio stood in a line making gestures and arm movements during a character development workshop.
Michael and Mags stood back to back in the black box studio.
Zahra stood smiling in black box studio. She is wearing an Engage2stage hoodie.
Our facilitator Elizabeth guides group in character building exercise. She is waring glasses and is holding a script.
Elizabeth, Anthony and Tracey standing in a line in the studio. They are in the middle of a movement and gesture game.
Sue and Lauren stood next to each other during workshop session.
Movement workshop: with members with arms out, on different levels, making gestures inspired by witchcraft.
Movement workshop: Tracey is raised up on chair as others in the group bow and quiver below her.
Movement workshop: Tracey mid spin facing away from the camera with her arms outstretched.
Group in a circle holding hands and making movements inspired by the witches of Macbeth.
Mags and Alex during a movement workshop. Here they are using touch to guide their movement.
Anthony and Michael in the image foreground using touch to guide movement
Group in a circle making movements inspired by witchcraft.
Mags and Alex during movement mirroring exercise utilising touch.
Tracey and Fran making a witches Caldren with their bodies. They are crouched down holding hands in a circle.
Tracey and Fran using their bodies to create the figure of a bird. They are stood side by side, with one arm/hand raised and their other hand on their hip.
Group are standing in a line whilst being guided by facilitator Elizabeth.
Michael and Mags are creating a bird figure with their bodies during a movement and gesture exercise.
Movement workshop inspired by the witches from Macbeth. Michael is on his knees, faceing the camera, with one arm stretched out. whilst three people look on behind him.